Squarepusher - Wendorlan

RATING: 6/10

I was pretty disappointed with his recent tracks, so I didn't have high hopes for this... but I was shocked to genuinely enjoy it! I think it really captures his older sound. It's honestly a really intelligent piece of work. It's like Chris Moss Acid but with a little more intensity. I can feel the music in my body!!!

R3000A - 5500 Cinch (album)

RATING: 7.5/10

This guy is a musical genius and is able to create tracks for any genre, just give his stuff a listen. Each track in 5500 Cinch has such depth to it with perfect mixing. You can tell that care went into each second of every song, and they all have that distinct R3000A sound. 2/24/24 miss synt. ?Love! Loop has been a favorite track of mine for ages. There's just something about it that reminds me of early Sega Soundteam with his own special twist. It's more experimental and carefree than Sega's stuff, but the atmosphere is still blatantly there. I enjoy driving while listening to this song (and pretty much all of his music).